Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Mostly Harmless: Adobe Updater Requests Administrative Privileges!!!

Consider me profoundly ticked off at Adobe. This is the last straw for me regarding their Adobe Updater program. It has now been DELETED off my computer, and I suggest you do the same.

I really hope I am being alarmist about what Adobe just tried to pull on me and I get lots of letters ranting at me about my foolishness. But I believe what I just witnessed on my Mac has tipped Adobe into the Evil Zone.

Back Story:

For the last several years it has been at times hell-on-Earth updating Adobe programs via the Internet. I have never, ever seen a more diabolically BAD system for updating programs. I've written to them about it several times as have hundreds of other people.

So this past year Adobe figured out they had a PR problem and offered professionals the opportunity to describe the problems with Adobe's update system. Hundreds of people again contacted Adobe. So everything is going to get all better now. Right?

Adobe wants to rule your Mac:

Tonight I got notification from good old that Adobe Reader version 9.1 had been released. It is a critical update that plugs some very bad security holes. Everyone should update ASAP. So of course I did the update.

As per usual, stupid Adobe couldn't do just one simple update, they had to ask me again and again for permission to install stuff. Among the added rubbish was yet another version of Adobe Updater. Clearly, nothing has been improved in Adobe's idiotic updating system over the Internet.

Then came the very-very last step: A box requesting my password, for a SECOND TIME, allowing Adobe Updater to have ADMINISTRATIVE PRIVILEGES, forever!

Stop and consider that a second. An application asked me if it could always have administrative privileges to do whatever it wanted to my computer at any time. IOW Adobe Updater was asking if it could rule my computer. This is called evil. (OK, now you can tell me I'm paranoid. But I don't think so!)

My response:

I canceled the request.

And for good measure I DELETED Adobe Updater from my computer.

Then I wrote the following to Adobe:

I just installed Adobe Reader 9.1 for Mac OS X.

Why did Adobe Updater ask me for my password so it could run, at will, with Administrative Privileges?

This is profoundly insecure, DANGEROUS and a bad idea in ALL situations.

As a result I CANCELED this privileges request. I also took Adobe Updater and ERASED IT from my computer. Adobe Updater will remain erased from my Macintosh computer until such time as Adobe explains itself regarding this DANGEROUS request. It had better be good. I will be publishing my disgust regarding your privileges request on the Internet and in computer user group newsletters this coming week.
And so I have. And if (a big if) Adobe get off the arrogance kick and actually respond, I'll let you know and share what they say. You can start holding your breath . . . NOW.

Until then:

Clutch your Mac firmly to your breast. Adobe are coming to take it away.

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